1 million acres of forest vanish per week. This alarming rate of deforestation has forced many world economies to rethink their business and manufacturing practices. A sixty-foot tree cut for market takes 60 years to replace. Meanwhile, a sixty-foot bamboo cut for market takes 59 days to replace. Bamboo is officially recognized as the world's fastest growing plant and has a tensile strength comparable to steel.

Bamboo is a grass that grows to a height of 60 feet also is several inches thick and grows as much as two feet per day. It has a short growth cycle of approximately five years, depending on the variety. Due to the inter-connected root system, bamboo groves fully regenerate at a faster rate than timber. Bamboo grows so fast it produces a yield 25 times higher than that of timber and, with selective annual harvesting, has the capability of complete regeneration without a need to replant making it one of the most renewable sources on the planet. It generally takes weeks for the grass to grow back once harvested and continues to grow year round.
A bamboo grove also releases some 35% more oxygen into the air than a similar-sized stand of trees, and it matures (and can be replanted) within seven years (compared to 30-50 years for a stand of trees). Bamboo is a perfect alternative to hardwood and is a sustainable, cost effective and ecologically responsible alternative to the widespread destruction of our world's forests. There is over 1,000 types of bamboo available, though just over two% of those types are currently being used as a material.

Bamboo is the most environmentally sound plant in the world and has been used for centuries and is still used for production of various products like Food, Shelter, Medicine, Clothes, Bedding and many other products. Its durability and strength makes bamboo an excellent choice for building materials. Bamboo Possesses antibacterial, antifungal, anti odour and anti static properties, bamboo contains an anti-microbial element called kun which stops bacteria from growing. Bamboo is hailed as the resource of the 21st century because it has countless ethical, environmental and other benefits. It is a pioneering plant and can be grown in soil damaged by overgrazing and poor agriculture without the need for fertilizers, pesticides or much water. Proper harvesting does not kill the bamboo plant, so topsoil is held in place.
Here are the the ways that bamboo will save the planet:
Renewable resource
Depending on the species, bamboo can be harvested in one to five years. Hardwoods like oak take at least forty years to mature before they can be harvested. Almost 1 million acres of forests are lost each week worldwide to deforestation. Bamboo's versatility as a substitute for hardwoods offers a chance to drastically reduce that figure and protect the forests that we have left.
Absorbs greenhouse gases
Bamboo absorbs carbon dioxide and releases 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere than an equivalent stand of hardwood trees.
Amazing growth rate
Some species of bamboo grow more than three feet each day! No plant on the planet features a faster growth rate. When it is harvested, it will grow a new shoot from its extensive root system with no need for additional planting or cultivation.
Very little waste
After harvesting, virtually every part of the plant is used to make a wide variety of products. From soil-enriching mulch to beautiful furniture to chopsticks, every part of the plant can be utilized.
Bamboo can replace the use of wood for nearly every application.
Paper, flooring, furniture, charcoal, building materials, and much more can be made from bamboo. What's more, bamboo fibers are far stronger than wood fibers and much less likely to warp from changing atmospheric conditions.
No fertilizer, pesticides, or herbicides needed
Unlike most cash crops, bamboo requires no agricultural chemicals to thrive. Unlike cotton, which is one of the most intensely sprayed crops in the world and rapidly depletes the nutrients in the soil, bamboo sequesters nitrogen and cultivation does not add chemicals to the environment.
Soil protection
Once hardwood forests are clear-cut and the stumps are burned to provide fertilizer and space for growing crops, erosion inevitably occurs as the topsoil and nutrients are washed away by rainfall. The eroded soil then clogs rivers and streams and affects the lives of people and animals living downstream. Bamboo roots remain in place after harvesting where they prevent erosion and help retain nutrients for the next crop.
Economic development
In less developed countries where unemployment leads to civil unrest, bamboo production and the manufacturing of bamboo products provides job opportunities in areas that desperately need social and economic stability.
Bamboo grows in a variety of conditions
Bamboo can grow in arid regions where droughts cause other crops to fail and since the roots are left in place after harvesting, it helps to preserve vital moisture in the soil. From low wetlands to higher elevations in the mountains, bamboo thrives in a wide range of climates.
Optimism and cultural cooperation In a fractious world where wars are fought over resources, the increasing popularity of bamboo products provides an opportunity for diverse cultures to settle their difference through trade and cooperation that benefits everyone.
Bamboo is amazing – it is one of the fastest growing plants in the world. Once harvested, bamboo can replenish itself within a year and some species grow a whopping 120cm per day! It is a naturally prolific and resilient plant, which does not need fertilisers to boost its growth, or pesticides since bamboo is naturally pest-resistant. This marks it out from cotton or timber, which needs to be replanted at every harvest and requires extensive spraying and watering to achieve optimal growth.
Eco Friendly
Since bamboo requires no chemicals and very little water to grow, it is an environmental wonder-plant. As if this were not enough, bamboo absorbs more carbon dioxide from the air than either cotton or timber. It also releases more oxygen into the environment which improves air quality. Cotton farming, on the other hand, famously requires extensive irrigation and chemical spraying - a single cotton T-shirt can use up to 2700 litres of water in the growing process! Bamboo is by far the greener option.
Bamboo is 100% natural and biodegradable which gives conscientious consumers real peace of mind. Once you have no further use for a bamboo product you can rest easy, knowing that it will return to the Earth leaving minimal environmental impact. Plastic, on the other hand, will continue to clog up the ecosystem for the remainder of your lifetime, your children's lifetime and your grandchildren's lifetime. So much better to enjoy a product that has a small environmental footprint and leaves barely a trace.
